EFD awarded $11k grant from Alabama Power Foundation

March 22,2024

Enterprise Fire Chief Christopher Davis Thursday accepted a check from Trent Dillard on behalf of the Alabama Power Foundation for fire prevention and safety education materials.

“Simply put, this grant has the ability to help us save lives,” Chief Christopher Davis said. “Anytime we can reach both children and adults to improve their fire safety knowledge, and get them excited about it, that’s a win. This grant allows us to create memorable training experiences for our citizens.”

The funds will be used to purchase an inflatable fire safety training house with a realistic setting and updated technology to explain fire behavior, fire protection and fire escape in a safe setting. 

“Our goal is to make the instruction an unforgettable experience that people will remember and use to develop lifelong safety habits,” Davis said. “We plan to use this safety house at school visits, local festivals and other community events.”

In recent years, the Enterprise Fire Department’s long-used fire safety trainer deteriorated to the point that it could no longer be used, forcing firefighters to depend on lecture-style training, without hands-on experience.

“While the presence of our firefighters and fire trucks does create some excitement, this inflatable fire safety house creates a fun, bouncy-house-like atmosphere where visitors can enter a four-room setting simulating a living room, bedroom and other areas of a home. They will have visual learning on topics like burning candles in the home, cooking safely, smoke alarms, space heater safety, how to make an exit plan, and the importance of practicing those exit drills.”

Davis said he is grateful to all of those involved in the project that will serve Enterprise for years to come.

“We are grateful for the Alabama Power Foundation for awarding us this grant to allow us to better serve our community. I’d also like to give a special thank you to our grant writer, Kay Kirkland, for her role in helping us secure funding that is sure to save lives in our community.”