EMS incentive pay approved for Enterprise Fire Department

March 05,2024

Enterprise City Council Tuesday approved the implementation of Advanced Life Support EMS incentive pay for members of the Enterprise Fire Department.

As part of the Resolution, Alabama Department of Public Health licensed Enterprise Fire Department (EFD) Paramedics will receive an additional $170 per pay period and Alabama Department of Public Health licensed EFD Advanced EMTs will receive an additional $120 per pay period. The additional stipend will go into effect the first full pay period in May.

“My goal is for the citizens of Enterprise to have the highest level of care possible, and this incentive pay recognizes the Medics and Advanced EMTs for the additional care they are qualified to provide,” Enterprise Fire Chief Christopher Davis said. “The latest numbers from the U.S. Fire Administration show that nearly 65% of calls reported are EMS-related. I can think of no better way to serve our community than to encourage our firefighters to pursue the highest level possible of EMS care to give to our citizens.”

Davis said the increased pay will put the EFD more in line with other fire departments across the state who currently offer such Advanced Life Support EMS benefits like Ozark, Troy and Dothan.

Thirteen EFD personnel have the necessary certifications which qualify them for the incentive pay.  Davis said he expects the number of personnel to increase as several additional firefighters are currently pursuing the next level of certification.



Thirteen EFD personnel have the necessary certifications which qualify them for the incentive pay.  Davis said he expects the number of personnel to increase as several additional firefighters are currently pursuing the next level of certification.